Live 1.1 – Lifestyle Overview & Loyalty Rewards

Monthly Goal: 40 connections, 6 Lifestyle Overviews & 4 New LRP’s

Monthly Activity: Lifestyle Overview Message Blitz

Estimated Time To Complete Training On This Page: 60 min


Who Needs A Lifestyle Overview?


Using your detailed genealogy in your back office you can pull a report and discover who is on LRP, who is not on LRP, who hasn’t ordered in the last 90 days, who is inactive. This information is so important because you can schedule a “Lifestyle overview” with people who haven’t ordered, reconnect with them and find out what their needs are. If they are loyal customers and on LRP, then you can still reconnect and let them know about your desire to serve others and see if they have any referrals.

Action 1: Pull a report of all of your personal enrollments and organize your list into inactive, people who haven’t ordered in the last 90 days and those who are on LRP and those who are not.

Not On LRP
Not Active


Prepare For A Lifestyle Overview Message Blitz


Now that you have pulled a list of your personal enrollments and organized them by either being inactive, on LRP or not ordered in 90 days or more, it’s time to start connecting. Review the testimonials and list of scripts below so that you can match your message with their needs.

Message Blitz Scripts


Complete For Next Week:


Action #1 Continue connecting with 2 new people each day from your Facebook friends list or Instagram followers (or if you are not on social media people, contact on your phone or locally)

Action #2 Watch, take notes and practice the lifestyle overview

Action #3 Make a list of inactive customer and customers on LRP for the Lifestyle Overview Message Blitz

Action #4 Prepare Update the group on your progress of the MONTHLY GOAL.
