Sharing 1.3 – Presenting Secrets & Enrolling

Monthly Goal: 40 connections, 10 Study Participants, 2 Hosted Classes

Estimated Time To Complete Training On This Page: 50 min


Natural Solutions Presentation Secrets


One of the most important messages you will share with be the message of the Natural Solutions Class and Reiventing HealthCare. So the better you become at understanding the presentation secrets that will help you touch the hearts and minds of your audience, the faster your business will grow.

Action #1 Watch the video and create your own version of presentation secrets with the Natural Solutions Handout. (See my personal presentation secrets below)


Personal Presentation Secrets PDF
Kierston Teaching A Class
Allyse How To Close


3-5 min Closing Script & Training

Helping people make the decision to enroll should be a simple fun process. In this training you will learn how to enroll a total stranger in just 3-5 minutes and guide them through the process of listening to their health challenge, finding solutions and making it easy to take the next step and enroll. Click the button below to see the full script




Complete For Next Week:

Action #1 Continue connecting with 2 new people each day from your Facebook friends list or Instagram followers (or if you are not on social media people, contact on your phone or locally)

Action #2 Invite & Find 10 people to participate in the oil study

Action #3 Create your own natural solutions presentation secrets

Action #4 Prepare Update the group on your progress of the MONTHLY GOAL.